Smile Designing

Smile Designing
Smile Designing
Smile Designing
Smile Designing
Smile Designing in Kothrud

How Does Smile designing Work?

Smile designing includes a collection of dental or facial procedures / surgeries aimed at giving you the gorgeous smile you've always wanted.

Smile Designing in Kothrud

Seeking recommendations for a top-notch Smile Designing in Kothrud, Pune? An accomplished dentist with a decade or more of expertise practices at Prudental Clinic in Kothrud, Pune.

How does the Smile design work?

The initial stage in creating your dream smile is taking stock of your existing one, which includes your teeth (their color, width, length, and shape), gums, and lips, as well as your thoughts about an ideal smile. Once we've taken a thorough look at your mouth, we'll outline the several procedures that will be necessary to restore your smile to its former glory.

Braces, aligners, teeth whitening , tooth shaping, gum depigmentation, veneers, etc., may all be part of the treatment plan.

Teeth play a key role in making your smile seem at its best. Prudental Clinic is home to the skilled dentist, Dr. Mrunal Godse and you can trust her to craft a beautiful smile that you will be proud to show off.

What is Included in Smile design?

Smile Designing in Kothrud, Pune At Prudental Clinic, we include:

Tooth Shade

We are firm believers that minor dental flaws should not take away from a beautiful smile. One of the greatest ways to achieve harmony between filled and other teeth is by using tooth-colored filling, which looks natural.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth discoloration can occur for several reasons, including the following: smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and certain beverages. Whitening your teeth is a great way to remove these discolorations. We restore the tooth's original color and eliminate any stains with the use of a cutting-edge whitening chemical.

Tooth Alignment

To achieve a beautiful smile and maintain good oral health, orthodontic treatment is necessary for a variety of issues, including gaps between teeth, crowding or crooked teeth, misalignment between teeth, and buck teeth.

Repairing damaged or missing teeth

When you smile, people will notice right away if you're missing teeth. Your oral health and the appearance of your smile are both affected. Whether you need a dental implant, a dental bridge, or partial dentures, we have a solution for you.

Treating Cavities

A cosmetic dentist can remodel teeth that are chipped, cracked, or otherwise irregular to their proper size and shape. To remedy these issues, we provide a variety of solutions, including dental crowns and veneers.

What is the estimated time for my smile makeover?

How many and what kinds of treatments you choose, as well as the degree to which you wish to alter your appearance, will determine how long your therapy will last. A smile makeover might range from a few weeks to a few visits, depending on the severity of the condition. The time required to complete a smile makeover will increase for patients who also choose to get orthodontic treatment.

So, for how long will a perfect smile last?

There is a wide range of therapy methods available, and some have more permanent effects than others. Porcelain veneers or crowns, for instance, have a lifespan of fifteen years or longer, while teeth whitening typically lasts between one and three years. Maintaining your smile makeover's effects is a breeze with regular brushing and flossing. Maintaining healthy teeth for a lifetime is as simple as brushing and flossing twice a day and scheduling annual dental checkups.

How does digital smile design help?

Smile design offers a number of wonderful benefits. The most important advantage for the patient is that they will feel more confident with their aesthetically pleasing smile once the smile design procedure is complete.

How painful is smile design?

As far as cosmetic procedures go, a smile makeover is on the lighter side. There is usually minimal to no discomfort associated with cosmetic dental procedures. Dental crowns and porcelain veneers can feel slightly pressured to certain people. For the vast majority of patients, a local anesthetic is all that's needed to ensure a comfortable procedure.


  • Practically every patient can benefit from them because of how adaptable smile designing procedures are. Cosmetic dentistry procedures are generally appropriate for people of any age. Getting a smile designing should be possible for everyone with decent oral health and the ability to safely complete the procedures that are part of it.

    Prior to performing any cosmetic operation, it is advisable to get restorative therapy for any underlying oral health issues, such as gum disease. Please schedule an appointment with Prudental Clinic for Smile Designing in Kothrud so we may assess your candidacy for a smile designing. In order to find out if you are eligible, we will take a close look at your smile. If you have any questions, we are pleased to answer them and can't wait to help you have the smile of your dreams.

  • An ideal smile line is one of the primary goals of orthodontic treatment, which is to create a smile that is both beautiful and attractive. Buccal corridors, gingival display, arch width, tooth shapes, asymmetries, age, and a perfect smile line are among the other variables that influence a person's smile.

  • Your desired level of change, the kind and quantity of procedures, and the complexity of those changes will determine the total time required for your therapy. A smile designing might range from a few weeks to a few visits, depending on the severity of the condition. The time required to complete a smile designing will increase for patients who also choose to get orthodontic treatment.

  • Your smiling goals are the only determinant of your treatment strategy. You are free to incorporate as many treatments as you like into your plan. You might discover that all it takes is two or three procedures to take care of your issues. But we can give you our recommendation for how to look your best.

    Your smiling goals are the only determinant of your treatment strategy. You are free to incorporate as many treatments as you like into your plan. You might discover that all it takes is two or three procedures to take care of your issues. But we can give you our recommendation for how to look your best.

    A smile designing may involve a variety of cosmetic dental operations such as porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, dental bonding, gum contouring, and more. Traditional braces or Invisalign are also used by some patients for orthodontic therapy.

  • As far as cosmetic procedures go, a smile designing is on the lighter side. There is usually minimal to no discomfort associated with cosmetic dental procedures. Dental crowns and porcelain veneers can feel slightly pressured to certain people. The majority of patients report that a local anesthetic is enough to alleviate their discomfort throughout treatment.

  • You can choose from a wide variety of treatments, some of which have longer-lasting effects than others. Tooth whitening, for instance, may only need touch-ups every one to three years, whereas porcelain crowns and veneers can endure for fifteen years or longer. Regular brushing and flossing will extend the life of your smile designing the longest. Teeth can look healthy and beautiful for a long time if you take good care of them by seeing the dentist regularly and brushing and flossing your teeth every day.

  • Good oral hygiene habits, including as brushing and flossing your teeth daily, are the most efficient approach to maintain the results of your smile designing. Toothbrushing and very abrasive toothpaste can damage restorations by scratching their surface and reducing their shine and luster.

    Plaque and debris can shorten the life of restorations and contribute to tooth decay, so it's important to floss daily to keep your teeth clean. Research has demonstrated that composite fillings and dental bonding can be damaged by alcohol-containing mouthwashes. Over time, the alcohol in mouthwashes can weaken the adhesiveness of dental restorations including veneers and crowns. Switch to mouthwashes that don't include alcohol.

    Prevent cavities by limiting between-meal snacks and avoiding foods high in sugar. Another way to maintain your teeth stain-free and reduce dental staining is to stay away from dark-colored meals like wine, tea, and coffee. Your dental work is vulnerable to the ravages of alcohol, therefore moderation is key.

    Never bite or chew on a pen, staple, metal, bottle cap, or any other hard thing. Wearing a nightguard can protect your teeth and restorations from bruxism, the habit of smileding your teeth at night.